The Frozen Series is a five-part saga capturing Frozen Brazil. Snopanema (Ipanema Under the Snow) is covered with snowflakes, and the source is the artist's hand. Jesus Cristo de Gelo (Jesus Christ of Ice) is an ice covered Redeemer, and the reason is the artist's fingers. Snofavela (Favela Rocinha) is all frozen, and the frost comes from the artist's mouth. Snonument makes the monumental horses rear up and freeze: the same goes for the slaves, the indigenous and the opressors, all commanded by the artist’s finger-flick. Iguaçu Beijado (The Kissed Iguaçu) depicts the artist’s lips ice-kissing one the world’s best-known waterfalls. The five parts of the saga, gradually and insistently, build the new Brazil: ice-hot, ice-statuesque, ice-motionless.