Performance lecture
LADA (Live Art Development Agency), London
June 28, 2018
Production by Ivan Yushkov, Anna Leonova
Puppets by Olga Stolmova
Curated by Anna Shpilko
Duration: 45 min
Images by Amy Poole, Dmitry Kurbatov
Related to Carolee Schneeman’s ‘puppet-driven live works’ and performance lectures Penis and
Anus, Brother and Sister is a feminist work by the artist.
It consists of a short but intense dialog between the two most trouble making parts of a man’s body.
Fyodor says of this new piece: Since I was three, I’ve always been fascinated by puppetry. I was really stubborn with my mother, asking her to make puppets for my theatre. The first performance had its premiere on my fourth birthday: the theatre had real curtains that opened, three bells chimes and even tickets available at door for the guests. I’ve been thinking for a long time of incorporating this genre into my performative practice, yet depriving it of the certain elements that are impossible within the performance context. Carolee Schneemann and her wonderful Vulva’s School made me finding the way’.
The puppetry settings, using an old ladder and the magic of LADA’s most wonderful venue, the old East London church, helped this to become a complete phantasmagoria.