A site-specific, durational performance at EAV Parque Lage, part of Encruzlihada, an exhibition curated by Bernardo Moscqueira
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
May 23, 2015
Hours performed: 3
Images: Claudio Senra, Pedro Agilson
Os Caquis attendant: Lyzandro Coelho
Curatorial assistant: Ulisses Carrilho
Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich studio: Anna Shpilko (director), Aleksandra Maleeva, Anastassia Dobryshkina
Special thanks: Guw Vcjor (Gustavo Sa), Agnes Christian, Dimitri Buriti, Mauricio Meira
The audience members are invited to throw very soft persimmons at the artist while he’s seated motionless on a plywood pedestal in front of the grandiose entrance to the museum.
By the end of the three-hour-long performance, over a thousand persimmons will have been thrown at the artist - and some of them might even reach their destination. This way, visitors can react to the work of art that greets them before they access the museum, but it's no longer important whether they like it or hate it. Their reaction will be the same - they’ll throw an overripe fruit at the artist's body, which itself becomes a target (be it of adoration or neglect).