Installation and performance
As a part of São Paulo Bienal parallel program
Curated by Maria Montero
Luciana Brito Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil
Hours performed: 3 hours
Video and images by Arthur Roessle
Russians say: don't spit into the draw-well.
The visitors are invited to go up a staircase to reach the top of the draw-well built with plywood, the material often used by the artist. Before venturing up the steps, the visitors receive the instructions: upon reaching the top of the stairs, please spit into the draw-well.
Once getting to the small platform at the top, visitors see the artist immersed in the water. Nude and fragile, in a fetal position, the artist is making subtle movements to one side and the other, lit by a small light. A recording of his voice, quiet, thin and squeaking, singing an unidentified melody, is accompanying the experience.
photos by Arthur Roessle