Site specific performance, as a part of Arch-Stoyanie summer festival of site specific art
Curated by Katya Bochavar
Nikolo-Lenivets, Russia
July 26 - 28, 2013
Hours performed: 7
Photos by Igor Afrikian
If you stuff a person’s body into a string bag and hang it ten meters in the air, it completely changes its usual function. The bag, too, adopts a new physicality. Two topics at the core of my artistic practice (and of great personal importance to me) are disability and physical restriction. While trapped in its cloth prison, my body is not just immobilized and deprived of its freedom; it is fully objectified, becoming a shining star (be it the sun or the moon), a spaceship, or a simple visual curio, separated from the viewer by a mere lift of the chin (and the ensuing neck cramp). The depersonalized body dangles above the audience, without any discernible function or objective—though sometimes, without any explanation, it may seem to shine..